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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  December 16, 2012 5:00am-6:00am PST

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here are the latest developments this morning on the school shooting tragedy in connecticut. president obama will visit new town this evening to meet with the families and attend a vigil. they will fan out to gun stores and shooting ranges across connecticut looking for clues about the 20-year-old gunman who killed 26 children and adults in friday's rampage. he forced his way into the school breaking a window at the front entrance. he shot and killed a school principal and school psychologist who ran towards him too try to protect the children. surviving twins describe how their teachers save their lives. went into my teacher's office, everyone was quiet. she saved a life. she called her husband and he called the police.
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when the policeman came to get us he told us to close our eyes like on the picture on the news do this. and run. >> just go out. >> the medical examiner told reporters all of the young victims had been shot numerous times. as this tragedy unfolds stay with abc 7 news for continuing coverage. we are going to hear about some of the heros who helped save lives. laura anthony from connecticut lart today on abc 7 news. >> right now in the bay area it is a soggy start to sour sunday. we have a look at the weather. >> we are milder than yesterday. hi temperature yesterday was 49. right now we sit at 49.
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low level moisture keeping it mild. they are not widespread focused mainly on the north base. numbers to the 40s and near 50 this morning. by this afternoon once again the north bay the coastal hills saver the shower activity with temperatures in the mid 50s. another system is on the way. it could bring anywhere from half inch to an inch of rain in the wittest locations in the north bay. they pick up over the next 12-18 hours or so. they bring storms to the pacific and bring us a rainy couple of days in autumn. >> thank you lisa.
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>> grieving community came to a candlelight vigil. they share stories of loss so many families are copeing with. a doctor who helped victims is also deeply shaken by what he experienced. >> this is the darkest thing i have ever walked into by far. i have been through medical training which has taught me a lot about dealing with stressful situations and this is the darkest thing i have ever experienced in my life. very traumatic and just horrific. there was also a church service last night to give people a chance for spiritual healing. people reach out to support one another. people who knew the gunman adam lanza in high school describe a shy individual an honor student a member of the tech club. his aunt says he talked to
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lanza's mom about his troubles. >> she wound up home schooling him she battled with the school not sure if it was behavior lor lorning disability. he issued this statement our hearts go out to the family and friends we, too, are asking why. heros in the line of fire. >> she locked the door and taped a piece of white tape over the dwoin of the wsh wsh over the window of the door. she told us to go in the corner. there are 19 people in our class. she saved all of us. >> third grader tori trap came home safely to her mom thanks to her teacher's rapid response. >> the united way started a donation drive for the victims
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of the shooting. we have a link to the web page at you can also post this badge to your facebook wall a silent show of support for everyone in new town connecticut available at slash abc 7 news. in other news this morning san francisco police arrived to an argument. they backed away because they thought the man might have a weapon. they were told sho shelter in place until the mansur rendered. they were searching for a weapon past midnight. two adults and juvenile had been raised for the shooting deaths in oakland. 14-year-old raquel and
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15-year-old bobby were gunned down on a quiet street corner. a car drove by and fired at least 36 shots. a 16-year-old boy was accused of paint be bomb threats. this graffiti name add teacher from monta vista high. we have obscured his name to protect his identity. almost identical messages were sprayed on the walls in two other schools in the area. classes were canceled at monta vista hey and neighboring lincoln school. a possible power shift in japan on abc 7 news this morning. >> also in the effort to avoid the fiscal cliff the
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>> a cyclone that raked sim mow yaw is baring down on fiji. thousandss are left homeless by sigh co cyclone evan. people who survived a deadly 2009 tsunami say this storm is an even worse disaster. tourists are back lacklogged at airports in new zoe land. >> -- new zealand. >> we may get people in the front but they are prit tooefr booked. they are among the tourists who have been evacuatedd from fiji and are camped out trying
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to find a way home. islamists are claim ago majority vote on the country's proposed charter. the muslim brotherhood says it has a narrow majority in the first round on the proposed islamist backed constitution. the brotherhood's own count says 50 percent of the 26 million voters approve the disputed charter. more voting set to take place for the country's remaining 25 million voters. egyptian president mohammed morsi hails from the group that accurately predicted past election results. japanese voters are voting in a general election that will give the country it's 7th prime minister in 6 years. early polls suggest most voters will back the liberal democratic party giving it another chance three years after voters ousted them. tsunami politics may play a role more than a year after the disaster. thousands are suffering through
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a second winter waiting for their homes to be rebuilt. as lawmakers here and the president grapple with ways to avoid the impending fiscal cliff a top republican offered to raise income taxes on americans earning more than $1 million a year. the move by house speaker john boehner as a concession in negotiations with president obama to avoid the fast approaching end of temporary tax cuts. but the offer falls far short of the president's demand for an increase on household earnings more than 250,000 dollars. while the news suggests a possible break through in the stand off standoff to reduce the may gos's huge debt problem a spokesman for boehner says a deal is not eminent. there are so many lirnging questions from friday's school shooting in connecticut abc this week has assembled a team of political leaders in connecticut to try to answer them. can any measures protect from
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mass shootings in the future? how will officials respond? the senators join george stephanopolis coming up. don't miss this special edition of this week with george this morning at 8:00 right here on abc 7. is the entire weekend going to be a washout in you have your eye on live doppler 7 hd. >> not every where. we have a bit of a break out there. light showers we will be favoring the coast from north bay. live look outside from the roof camera you will notice nice and mild 49 degrees right now. warmer than it was all day yesterday in the city. we will talk about the rain coming in tonight and busy week ahead. >> you will get a piece of the world series champions. if you are looking for a holiday gift for a baseball fan you don't want to
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>> thanks for waking up as an early bird. joining the abc 7 sunday morning news. this is a live look at the golden gate bridge. most of them huddling in the bed
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with all of the blankets pulled uptight. it has been so cold around here in the last few days. lisa will be along with the full accu-weather forecast. >> this afternoon volunteers will sort through donated toys for next saturday's big toy distribution. you can see from this video it brings magic to the eyes of some local children who might not otherwise have a happy holiday. volunteers will meet at 2:00 at goff and gary street in san francisco. lisa argin here now with the full check of the accu-weather forecast. >> it has been so cold because we have had the clear sky with ample cloud cover. did you notice the change this morning? >> no. >> it has been very cold. as you head out this morning you will notice it. this is our sutro camera.
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4:52 giving us 9 hours 43 minutes of daylight. not picking much up we are looking at a few sprinkles along the coast. the focus of the rain will be in the north bay. we will get to that that and show you not much is going on. things getting more active as the pacific storm comes our way. showers midday. lesser amounts to the south. 49 in san francisco. good morning oakland 47 for you. real kwlifr one else in the low to mid 40s. so big change this morning with upper 40s half-moon bay. how much warmer than yesterday? i have those for you anywhere from 12-15 degrees warmer. certainly not as cold with a few
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light showers perhaps. today showers will be along the coastal hills the north bay. we could see one pop-up anywhere. we will look for more concentrated rain tonight about 10:00 tonight. that's in advance of this next storm system. right now we are in the warm sector. you can see all of the cloud cover here. a little bit more rain up to the north. we have light snow being reported in sierra, nevada right now. through out the next 12-18 hours or so cloudy skies with a snurs. to t -- with a few showers. we luwill be looking at heavier rain that will allow half an inch to an inch of rain. light shower activity from the north bay. more concentrated from san francisco. al few breaks but by about 9, 10:00 tonight you can see the
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heyer rain from san raf fell up through napa on through the overnight hours. here we are monday morning. by about midday tomorrow that's when we see things clear out. we will get into a nice break the rest of monday into tuesday. a few isolated showers. even wednesday looks to be the driest day around here. then things will be getting quite interesting by the end of the workweek into the next weekend. so we have to look for some big changes then. but in the meantime just a few light showers along the coast. our next system coming in tonight 54 san jose. in between systems with a little more sunshine as you head further south in san jose and the central coast. the rain overnight into monday the break tuesday wednesday and heyer rain winter rives on friday. that last weekend before christmas busy, busy looking wet. >> wow. thank you, lisa. here is your chance to get your
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hands on some memorabilia from the world champion san francisco giants. at noon today items used or worn by team players this past season will go on sale at at&t park. a portion of the proceed raised will go toward the giant's community fund. this will be your chance to buy a future collectable. in sports today the 49ers prepare to face tom brady and new england champions. while state champions emerge in high school tofootball. the warriors with the best start in many, many years. >> good morning. the longest road trip of the year 7 games in 11 days end yesterday in atlanta. they won the first five which included a win over the miami heat took a loss in orlando but won in atlanta. rookie harrison barns improving every game. 3 of his 12 in the first half. he had 19 in the game.
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karl landrieu one hand slam. he had 19 as well. 62 were 49 warriors at the half. this team is most effective when everyone gets involved. david lee 20 points averaging a double double. 20-10 every single game on this trip. health curie playing like an all star. a little steel and slam here. he had 18 points. warriors 6-1 on a road trip for the first time in franchise history. 150-93 that final. nonconference match up after a couple weeks of exams. only player to show up 23 of the team's 52 points. rush never sleeps. the jumper and the foul. he had 14 points. cardinals led 14-29 at the half.
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7-3 with a 75-52 victory. 26 points in the first half. cobbs carried the load at 18. 10 of 17 from the field. 34 points. monster game for the blue jays. they fall to 6-3. facing toronto centennial for the open division crown. they have the leading offense with two 1,000 yard rushers. bob lad kerr talked about retiring after 34 years at the helm. three of his four rushing touchdowns in the first half. this for 46 yards. quarterback chris williams guns it to austin lone star. great name. centennial has a great offense but couldn't get any closer than 14. extending the lead once again.
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de lass sal division champions for the 4th straight year 48-28 the final. catholic and madison mc quarterback headed to cal through 4 td's this one to hand lee. wildcats up 35-31. madison answers on the ensuing drive. ran for 272 yards. you can't coach speed and this guy has some. division 3 champions 38-35 victory. 49ers in new england taking on the patriots tonight. i am mike shumann. have a great day. a california mall on lock down. ahead cause for alarm. a bomb scare as bullets fly. an up scale fall mall in southe california. ahead this holiday season a texas business is offering a texas business is offering a different kind of santa
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and... take care of them, you know? i feel like we've come full circle. like that! this is how i'll do it. sarah: there you go.
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nespresso. where i never have to compromise on anything. ♪ where just one touch creates the perfect coffee. where every cappuccino and latte is only made with fresh milk. and where the staff is exceptionally friendly. nespresso. what else? >> a previously scheduled gun buy back program got a boost after the connecticut shooting. hundreds were bought back by
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police. we have the story. >> i decide to do give up my guns. i didn't need them. >> michelle was more than 200 people willing to sell their guns to an fran police. he was brought here by the same tragedy the mass murderer of 20 children in connecticut. >> hit me pretty strong. i never thought about getting rid of them before. >> he and his wife sobbed while taking in the news. >> i feel if this is something that might hurt somebody some day, then i would feel terrible about that. >> the gun buy back was funded by the up prizing program in oakland. they contacted the omega boys club in san francisco. joefs marshall says the turnout shows both communities care about gun violence.
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>> when they say enough is enough they have a good chance. >> the turn in guns at saint benedict ace church. this is where oakland police were buying the guns. >> we have every anticipation they will be exceeding the wildest expectations. >> $200 were found for each hand gun and rifle. people had to prove they were residing in the city buying the guns. oakland police departments are going to be asking the governor to make the gun buy back a state program. >> here in the bay area there are vigils and memorial services to remember the victims of the connecticut oh take a listen.
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>> what you heard was last night at grace cathedral. it was dedicated to the innocent victims of the connecticut school shooting so was the entire holiday concert that went on last night. kong gants couldn't help but think of the 27 lives taken. >> the beauty of them echos and makes you think about the life as you said is very precious and things you need do to take care
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of your love witheded ones. they were trying to find light in the dark time. they will be dedicate to do the memory of those killed. they would be dedicated to the victims as well. >> connecticut school tragedy stirring up the gun debate across the nation. wh one texas gun range is smack in the middle after offering an unusual opportunity with santa. >> you guys come on. >> it's christmas. >> here at the gun range that means pictures with santa. as ar 15 they say it's a child friendly event. >> i think it's extremely important to train people to
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educate them. >> don't tell that to peert johnson a strong advocate to kids and guns control. he says kids and guns sends a strong me the wrong message. >> we have to talk about our love affair with violence. >> violence in america would decrease if it was harder to get weapons. he took thousands during gun buy backses. >> we won't be able to take guns out of america's hands but we must talk to america about violence itself. >> the owners don't advocate violence. they have numerous gun safety classes. >> this is won the reasons we opened the range was to educate children, to train them in the correct way to use them. it can be a fun support. it doesn't have to be a dangerous support. >> gun rights advocates say the problem is the person behind the gun not the weapon itself.
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>> if people want to hurt another person they can use a baseball bat. >> the difference for baseball bat is for baseball. guns are for killing people. >> they are unite iffed pain -- united in pain and anger for the connecticut shooting. something needs to be done so no more children die in school. police in orange county fired about 50 shots in a parking lot in an up skate new port beach shopping mall. someone captured the gun fire on home video. >> no one was injured and police raised a 42-year-old man while an outdoor mall went into lock down. it is not clear why he was shooting his gun in the air but police reacted quickly in the wake of the connecticut school tragedy. you may have heard about governor jerry brown's nixing of
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the contract it is a renewal of the pricey deal. the chronicle reports over the last four years they spent $8 million on public relations much of it going to the same consultants. the communications team was billing the state at rates topping out at $160 an hour for each member. they put together two web sites and conducted media tours of the new pbay bridge project. they want to build a new job center but the plan to pay for it is a sellout for the community. that is because the money would come from revenues generated by a billboard another the toll
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plaza. >> time right now is 5:34 the founder of domino's pizza. they are looking at mandatory contraception coverage as a new hept care law. he says contraception is a quote bravely immoral practice. domino's pizza offers health insurance that excludes contraception and apportions for its employees. the new federal health law requires employers to offer insurance that includes contraception or risk fines. so monahan is wanting a judge to strike down that mandate. >> if you have trouble catching a cab now we have an app for that. >> they say they steel their business by starting their own. >> here's a live look from our east bay cam. it will be in the low 50s across the east bay today.
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our meteorologist lisa argon our meteorologist lisa argon will have your full accu-weathee it's finally here!
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[ woman #2 ] it's the real deal! [ man #1 ] turn it around! turn it around! [ woman #1 ] over here! over here! [ woman #2 ] turn around! turn around! [ woman #1 ] i love you! i can't believe it's not butter! neither can i. turn the tub around! show us the back! [ man #1 ] turn the tub around! [ female announcer ] with zero grams of trans fat per serving, i can't believe it's not butter is a superstar! ♪ turn the tub around, and become a believer.
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while while the other apps are butting heads with regulated tors this one is working with them. >> as he drives his taxi through the bumpy streets in san san'a smart bone below the meert starts to bring. it is a brand new app called flywheel. if you are a customer the app looks like this. they are participating cabs in i st.>> the technology has been around for two years some were using it even before he bunched the app. back then it was called tab louse. with the drive off it is being reborn as fly wheels with a promise to help cabbies complete
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the cars and drivers with the mustaches. they get more rides today>> it is in a third they can replace or work along side the two-way radio to give dispatchers a bird's-eye view of where all the drivers are. >> by working with dispatchers stind of going around them flywheel managed to get broad support from cab companies. >> three of them have been assigned. >> they battle fines from regulators they have a glowing endorsement from the city. this is something we would recommend. >> it plans to hail any cab in
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the city. jonathan bloom abc 7 news. apple is unveiling it's list of best apps nand games for i pads and iphones in 2012. bad robot led in the iphone category. the free app allows users to add action sequences to videos shot. it is the top app for the ipad the free drawing application creating a sketch book out of an ipad. brooklyn want to go build a new job center the plan to pay for it is not good. the money would come with revenues generated by a billboard. abc 7 news reporter laura anthony. how to pay for a new job in career resource center in west
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oakland. a proposed deal between the city and oakland army based developer would fund the center from proceed with five bright and shiny billboards at the bay bridge landing. >> those decisions have been made and negotiated since the billboards are going to be there. the revenue or some of the revenue from the billboard ought to fund the job center. as a show of support they held a candlelight vigil and prayer service. the event was held on 18th and adeline which would house the career center. it is ultimately a bad one for the community. >> we all want jobs and a job center. to base it on poll lawsuiting our landscape that's the tradeoff it is trying to pit us
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geevens other which is that is the intention of this. >> west oakland has one job training center that has prove ensuccessful over the last 20-years. it helped the most troubled young people turn their lives around with skills and job placement. art shank says the ends do justify the means with a center in the area plagued by crime and unemployment. >> things are tight right now. billboards definitely will help the program deit will be a plus plus. >> we are talking about all of those apps for iphones and all that. >> we have a weather app. >> and the real thing every now and then. >> we are looking at mild conditions compared to yesterday. so maybe a few showers out there. but overall a little bit of a
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break today for the most part because their next significant weather system semi significant comes in tonight. we have an active week ahead. a gift of the [ boy 1 ] hey! that's the last crescent. oh, did you want it? yea we'll split it. [ female announcer ] made fresh, so light, buttery and flakey. that's half that's not half! guys, i have more! thanks mom [ female announcer ] pillsbury crescents.
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let the making begin [ female announcer ] holiday cookies are a big job. everything has to be just right. perfection is in the details. ♪ get to holiday fun faster with pillsbury cookie dough. ♪ over the river and down the road ♪ [ female announcer ] at nature valley, we know nature comes together in amazing ways. that's why we bring together natural ingredients, like dark chocolate with toasted oats,
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or sweet golden honey. perfect combinations of nature's delicious ingredients, from nature valley. ♪ ♪ i was thinking that i hope this never ends ♪ [ female announcer ] nature valley granola bars, nature at its most delicious.
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>> you see the building in the back lit up for the holiday season. it has really been cold at night and rainy, too. our meteorologist lisa argin will be along to tell us if that is going to change any time soon. >> a million dollar scholarship fund established at uc burke lee is going to have an aid to the students. you can image it is not without controversy. abc 7 news leeann melinn dead has the story. >> he was the only student at his high school to get into uc berkeley. >> i was like yeah, i got in. i won't be able to go. >> how am i going to pay for it.
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>> it is an undocumented student and does not qualify nr any federal money. >> the federal pell grant work studies loans aren't eligible to document students. >> they had a private scholarship helped put himself through cal. it wasn't enough money to make ends meet. that's how they helped students like him. walter hast junior fund responded to a one-million dollar reward. it is about equal chances equal tunities leveling the playing field so everybody has a chance to succeed in life. >> about 200 undocumented students from uc berkeley will receive a portion of private money beginning in the spring. each will receive about 5,000
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dollars. in 2011 the california legislature passed a bill that will give undocumented students access to state grants starting next fall. assembly bill 131 has always been controversial. east bay professor coauthored proposition 209 which ended affirmative action in the public sector. >> you are asking the taxpayers to subsidize people legally. i think this is the wrong way to go. >> some people feel if anybody didn't go through the proper process that they don't be long here and i can't do anything about that. >> these are extraordinarily talented people. in the current year with all of the challengers we have in california we cannot afford to waste the talents. it will kor only a portion of the fees plus 5,000 dollars.
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abc 7 news. >> oo the fact of giving back and sharing the wealth is very much alive for holidays. in san francisco the church was packed with people yesterday. each one received a blanket donated the university. they have collected blankets and passed them out to those in need. soggy weather>> they would like to see more temperate weather for those getting out to shop. >> last weekend is always good.
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>> before this one coming up. >> that is pretty far out as we head out right now from our camera. temperatures are mild. we are not as cold as yesterday. most people will see showers from time to time today and the rest of you live doppler 7 hd right now a few areas of light showers in the north bay around santa rosa. you can see a few light areas in the north bay. temperatures 3 miles from 43 in fairfield 46 in fremont. yesterday the wech much much warmer. good morning napa with 45 not too much fog right to ynow to w about. napa to fairfield in santa rosa.
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13 degrees milder than yesterday morning. 8 degrees warmer than half-moon bay. light showers around this morning. more showers we can see them anywhere but favoring the coastal hills. heavier rain when the next system will bring anywhere from half inch to an inch in the north bay. we are under the warm sector right now. light rain from time to time. heavier rain holds on off. here is a look at the time line. between 8 and 9:00 you can see the light shower activity. by 9, 10:00 tonight napa san francisco looking at the wet weather. monday morning commute through early morning hours.
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we have the rain by the noon partial afternoon clearing. this takes us into tuesday as well as wednesday. 53 in oakland 54 san jose. we are looking at milder sunnier conditions with mid 50s and a look ahead that break tuesday, wednesday. it looks like stronger systems thursday friday begins winter into next weekend. >> thank you, lisa. there is a woman who is putting up quite a fight to get her pet back. this wandering monkey made international views. now the saga to get him back is taking a new twist. we have that straight ahead.
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>> the owner of a wandering monkey is trying to get him back. he was found wandering in a toronto ikea parking lot last weekend. check them him out he has on the big warm coat. the monkey was illegally taken from her and moved to a prime mate sank sar re.
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the woman says darwin considers her his mother. coming up next at 6:00 the latest in the investigation and the aftermath of the connecticut school tragedy. a live interview in the news. police are closing in on a gunman wanted for a shooting in a transit center in san raf fell. before cold & flu season, help prevent
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with lysol disinfectant spray. and use the lysol no touch hand soap for 10 times more protection with each wash. this season, a good offense is the best defense. lysol. mission for health.
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>> in the news this monday morning disz 16th they await the arrival of the president to share in the brigrief of friday school tragedy.
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prayers for the victims and their families. many are trying to make sense of the senseless by relying on their faith. a threat causes a big scare on the streets in the heart of san francisco. i am carolyn tyler. a quiet new england town is grieving this weekend as they continue to search for answers. parents are talking about their prem douse loss. teachers are honored for their heroic shielding children and saving lives. the state medical examiner says believes all of the children killed were 1st graders between 6 and 7 years old. as they search for evidence of any crack and crevice the community is trying to figure out how to cope. president obama will meet with the families who lost loved


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